Greasy Hair After Dying - Problem and Solution

by TinaH

My daughter came to me a few days ago complaining of a greasy sticky spot on the crown of her head. I know from past experience that if you have died your hair and over-processed it, it can cause your hair to feel like this. But, while we did dye her hair a couple of days prior to this problem, we had only died the underneath side of her hair, not the crown (she wanted the bottom layer of her hair black).

Since I knew the problem couldn't be over-processing, I turned to the Internet and found this site.

After the vinegar & water treatment failed, we tried dawn soap and Aussie 3 minute miracle, that helped a little, next we tried a paste of baking soda & dawn, rinsed that with 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 water, then washed with Aussie mend & repair, and conditioned with the same. Again, a bit better, but still there. So finally we tried the olive oil. We soaked her hair in olive oil 15 minutes and washed twice with dawn and conditioned with Aussie 3 minute miracle and YAY....we have the solution!

By the way she used Herbal Essences hair dye and their conditioner, which I see on this thread seems to be a common factor. We are fairly sure this was the problem we had here.

But like I said in the beginning, I have used dye before and by leaving the dye in too long, this will cause your hair to feel greasy and sticky also. If you suspect that you have damaged your hair, go to the nearest Ulta store and buy Joico K-Pac Reconstruct shampoo, conditioner and get their deep conditioner also. It's a little pricy but because their products contain human hair keratin it will help to repair the damaged hair. This is the only thing that I found that would fix the damage done by the dye. Use the deep conditioner the first couple of washes, then switch to the regular conditioner after that.

For the record, I use Garnier hair dye and have never had the problem my daughter had from the conditioner. The over-processing was my own fault, trying to lighten my color and leaving the dye in too long.

Hope this helps everyone! Good luck!

Originally posted as comment on Olive oil and dawn finally worked

Answers and Comments for Greasy Hair After Dying - Problem and Solution

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Aug 26, 2023
Super greasy hair after dying...
by: Anonymous

For the third time, (yes I figured I'd give it three times to see if maybe I had bought a bad or old box of dye) after using Natural Instincts hair dye, my hair is a greasy mess after using. It takes two hair washes before it looks normal again. Although the color is nice, the greasy result after so many times is making me go to another brand. I've been using this for at least ten years without a problem until this past year. I'm guessing they've changed the formula and so this is the result. UGH!!!!

Jan 29, 2023
bad hair days
by: Patty

I have used Clairol Natural Instinct for yrs, always loved the way my hair looked and felt, then about 8 months ago it went all bad, flat,greasy,doesn't even feel like my own hair & it is hard to get the product out..Nothing has changed on my end, and avoiding the conditioner as a Clairol representative advised me not to do, i still have same awful results...Had enough will not buy again.

Jul 07, 2016
Use Moisturizing Conditioner
by: Anonymous

Obviously after using deep cleansing shampoo, hair texture will change. Hair already was dry after color treatment. Use lightweight non-greasy moisturizing conditioner to restore its vitality. All its need is moisture! Example: quenching conditioner by Bumble & Bumble or similar product

Jul 07, 2016
Hair still flat after using demii permanent color
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the advice.I used a clarifying shampoo with the advice from Clairol after I called the consumer hotline to complain about their product. The shampoo helped to remove the oil but now my hair has lost its texture and has no grip. It looks like the hair of a very sick person..I am so troubled by this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..

Jun 22, 2016
RE: oily flat lifeless hair
by: Anonymous

You might be experiencing some sort of product build-up and need to rinse your hair and scalp. I recommend cleansing shampoo for example: Paul Mitchell Tea Tree (Other alternative are available if you search for deep cleansing shampoos).

Or Apple Cider vinegar diluted with water (It may slightly fade your hair color though, so try to stick with safer solutions first).

Jun 22, 2016
HELP! oily flat lifeless hair after using demi permanent color
by: hairhelp

I colored my hair 5 days ago with Clairol natural instincts demi permanent 28 day color. My hair is so flat, oily, lifeless and stringy.. I have been using this product every several weeks for several years and never had this problem. The product has olive oil and coconut oil in it.. i kept it on my hair for 10 minutes and concerned that maybe my hair was too dry and caused my hair to be over- processed even though I did not leave it on too long..Hopefully this problem will gradually fade in the next few weeks.. Would appreciate any advice...

Oct 11, 2015
hair dye help
by: Anonymous

I have had my hair dyed many times and never had an issue til now.. I got it dyed at the same page but this time a different person, my hair always feel extremely greasy the next day after washing and my face has become extremely greasy as well lately.. Any suggestions on how to stop this? Thank you!

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