Hair colour, which way to go - Highlights or overall

I have green eyes, and light brown hair which has natural red and blonde streaks in it and I have a yellow skin complexion.

I'm debating whether to do an all over colour in a reddy brown, or have highlights of either red or brown. The only problem with just highlights is my overall hair colour is a mousy light dishwater brown colour! So if I did have highlights i'd still have the original colour underneath. Could i do an all over colour and go for highlights over the top or what?

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by: Anonymous

Yes, you can get over all color and highlights.

They can put highlights in then toner. It may give it a color lift- brighten it. I'd take lots of time discussing what you want and how your hair is with the beautician before deciding. Let them know
via ph you will need a short consultation before
action is taken... so they can plan for that.

And not rush the job. You want to leave happy.

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