How can I style my short hair more curly like Audrey Tautou

I have short hair and I would love to style it more like Audrey Tautou's gorgeous hair cut. My hair is very thick and I guess sort of getting wavy. What is the best product to use?

Cute & Curly

By: Flo Briggs
I think besides a good product you should consider texturizeing your hair first. Since you hair is very thick, it will curl better if it was thinned out. Use a good stylist to shape it, then ask them what product they would recommend, there are many good mousses for curly hair or you can buy a product called curl conscious ( for thick curls) by Bumble & Bumble at the salon. You will love your curls.

Answers and Comments for How can I style my short hair more curly like Audrey Tautou

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Short curls
by: Anonymous

I recently had my hair cut into a pixie and I just use a small amount texturizing lotion and a hair diffuser.. After it’s fry, I take my flat iron and make a few defined curls to flip up..

Get a perm
by: Dawn

Get a perm, I have short thick hair also, I just got a perm on Saturday to get my curls back. I have been straightening my hair for so long it had lost its curl. I love how it turned out!

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