Strawberry blonde hair - What colour I should dye?

by Lottie

I know I look retarded but its the only pic that had my hair in. :)

I know I look retarded but its the only pic that had my hair in. :)

I want to dye my hair but I don't Know what colour. I have strawberry blonde hair at the moment and blonde-brown eyebrows. I have quite a fair complexion. I would like it to be quite a big change so people notice it but I don't want it to look bad.

If anyone has any ideas as to what colour I should dye my hair could you please help me out. Thanks alot :)

Answers and Comments for Strawberry blonde hair - What colour I should dye?

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by: Anonymous

I understand you want to change your hair color. since u already have the right skin tone and everything for red hair, that is to your advantage. id say to do a more "extreme" red such as a garnet or ruby color. It will add more dimension and be a little darker.
If you want to go more 'softer' id say to go with a lighter blonde. sort of between platinum and a darker ash blonde. That way its bright and your ready for Summer.

Red hair choice
by: Felicity

With strawberry blond you already got the right base for red hair and you can take advantage of this by choosing a red hair color which is much in trend these days. Since you have a fair cool complexion, you can choose medium red gold blond in vibrant red shades.

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