What are the options for dyeing brassy orange hair

by Machelle

Current color.. Used light neutral blond

Current color.. Used light neutral blond

Current color.. Used light neutral blond Like this color I had a little over a year ago...

I have dyed my hair many colors in the last few years. I have orange hair from dyeing with neutral blonde over naturally dark brown hair that had been dyed black, bright red over that and medium brown over that, then removed colors with Color Oops hair color remover and dyed neutral blond.

Result was hot roots and brassy orange hair with dark ends. How should I go lighter blonde or neutral brown? Can I dye over the current orange color to achieve strawberry blonde?

Just wondering about the possibilities and outcomes

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Hair Colorist USA
by: Anonymous

Take a break ....give your hair a rest and go back to Brown using Ash Brown Color followed by Conditioning Treatments for 3 Months . for Now ! Then see a Professional at a Hair Salon as Consultations are free 90 % of Salons.

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