Why Am I Told My Hair Is Too Dark for Burnt Sienna Color?

I want to do that beautiful burnt sienna color thing I keep seeing all over the place, I am told my hair is too dark to do it. It is naturally a dark brown with some gray. I currently have it colored red (see photo). I know people who are dark brunettes and they go as light as a platinum blonde, so how is what I want impossible? Am I just not going to the right hairdresser?

Answers and Comments for Why Am I Told My Hair Is Too Dark for Burnt Sienna Color?

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by: Anonymous

It depends how your stylist wanted to achieve the best result. You certainly can get what you want. Burnt sienna color can be achieved either as highlight/lowlowlight or as overall color which latter is kind of boring in my opinion. As highlight, your base color should be in medium-to-light brown and not dark brown. Perhaps that’s the reason your stylist said its too dark. Your stylist also need to choose a highlight combination that suits your skin tone. Some use combination of golden blonde and copper and some add a hint of violet. They all try to achieve the same result but for warm and cool skin tones. My advice is to return to her and ask for details on why you can’t have it. You certainly can!

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