Blond Hair With Extension

by Bettina
(LA , US)

Blond hair

Blond hair

My medium length blond hair with some longer dark brown and blond hair extension.

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Love this look
by: emma xx

I wanted to comment and say how nice your hair looks, this is the style i'm trying to achieve at the moment too. I have bleached blonde just below shoulder length hair and i do like my hair but it just always look the same and its not that thick either so im really eager to spice it up a bit !

My idea is to buy a full head of human hair extensions in my blonde (all over colour ) and also get some strips of dark brown to add to it , hopefully ending up with brown streaks flowing through.Ii just not too sure on how many streaks i should go for ? there a set amount you should have sort of back sides front etc ..or is it just a matter of choice . Would be great if any one has ideas or comments to get back to me. thanks
Emma x

Like it!
by: Randy

Going beyond common colors always projects a self-confident attitude and a great smile never hurts.

For more variations on multi-colors, check out There's a multitude of colors there.

Enjoy your hair!

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