My Hair is Damaged - Advice?

by safnan
(uk- manchester)

I think i have damaged my hair. I used to straighten it alot and now every-time i have a shower, when it dries out it goes really frizzy and i dont know how to keep it straight. I have tried many conditioners and creams but nothing has changed. Could you give me the best advice but i wouldn't want to use a conditioner or a cream again.

And what is the best way to make your hair straight?
Thanks x

Answers and Comments for My Hair is Damaged - Advice?

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Feb 12, 2011
Damaged hair advice
by: felicia

You said your hair is damaged from straightening it. If your hair is curly you may have to deal with leaving it curly also if you are African American, straightening your hair can be worse for you and more damaging. My advice is to see a professional stylist. You more than likely need deep extensive treatments + a really good conditioner they will be able to recommend a good one that will not leave hair greasy. Also start taking fish oil capsules follow the recommended dosage this will help promote healthier hair. Good luck.

Feb 12, 2011
Damage Control
by: N.F.

You can get some control on damage by using NEXXUS Emergencée. Its a strengthening polymeric reconstructor and should be used once a week or every 14 days. It improves your hair gradually after couple of applications.

If you hair is not much broken and can handle some tension you can straighten your hair with blow-dryer and a brush. Use Bumble and Bumble "Straight" product. It also contain heat protection and will give you good results in less time.
Best of Luck.

Feb 11, 2011
Damaged hair
by: Cate

I did a permanent straighten in my hair once, it damaged my hair so much that I had to cut it all off. It was incredibly sad to loose my long locks and go into a prickle-short haircut. I did that last March and only in the last few months has my hair been long enough to pony-tail.

I would recommend that, if you straighten daily, make sure that your hair is *totally* dry before you do so.

Also, you can get a spray from your hairdresser that will protect your hair when you straighten it.

Another thing that you can try is using a straightening shampoo and then blow-dry-straighten your hair. It will cause less damage.

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