Natural Brunette With Pale Skin - Would I Make a Good Red Head?

by Deborah
(Pharr, Texas, U.S.)

I've been wanting to go red for several years now and I finally got up the nerve to make an appointment at the salon. However, I'm looking for some input. Do you think I will be able to pull of being a redhead? Also, I have some red undertones in my dark brown hair already so I'm wondering what shade of red will look best on me. Any suggestions?

Answers and Comments for Natural Brunette With Pale Skin - Would I Make a Good Red Head?

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by: Anonymous

Go for it... The red heads have all the fun that the blondes are missing out on... Just be aware... bold reds tend to fade fast... color support shampoo is a must.



Yes you could make a good red head. I noticed that in your picture, your skin tone has some yellow tones to it. So because of that it will be best that you stay within the darker to medium red colors and I also recommend that you have golden hi-lites, after the base color. That will give you a nice contrast and overall look will appear lighter.

Yup to Red
by: Anonymous

I think you should go for a dark red that is still distinguishable as red, because light red and dark eyes usually don't match up too well. Your skin tone will look nice with red. But if you buy a certain color brand, its best to stick with brand you bought with for color treatment conditioners and shampoos.

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