What should I do with my long curly hair?

by Jazmin
(Bx, NY)

The prettiest I can get my hair since Jr. High School :(

The prettiest I can get my hair since Jr. High School :(

I would really truly love a short hair style, but I have very long, extremely hard to manage curls. My boyfriend says I'm beautiful with it long but I don't really do anything with it. It pretty much stays in a bun. I would like to find the perfect short hairstyle for curly hair. Please Help!!

I'm here to help!! :)
by: Sam

Well, lets see. you have hard to manage curly hair just like me!! :) and once you figure out how to manage it, it really is a blessing. Trust me!! If you decide to keep your hair long here are some tips:

First shampoo and condition your hair (use a really moisturizing conditioner as curly hair gets frizzy) then comb out all your hair with conditioner in, while in shower and make sure there are no tangles. Then rinse with cool or warm water NOT HOT! because hot water causes frizzies!! then apply some moose, herbal essences or Garnier is good. Then some leave-in conditioner. Then let your hair be. Do not touch your hair or it will get frizzy! If your in a rush you can blow dry with a diffuser.

For a more ringletty look, twist hair and pin with clips at top of head blow dry until 100% dry then wait bout 10 minutes then take hair out of clips carefully. You will have perfect ringlets!

Ok so if you decide to get your hair shorter here are a few tips:

Look online and find a FEW (more than 1 ! :) ) pictures of movie stars or people with a look of curly hair similar to what your hoping to have. Make sure to find a couple because curly hair has different textures which can give people totally different looks. So after you find a couple of people with the cut you want find a hair stylist who has curly hair or really knows how to deal with it.

Cutting curly hair is much different than cutting straight so you definitely want a curly stylist because the best short hair hair cutter for straight hair will probably be bad for curly hair. What do i mean by bad? Well i've dealt with it! when curly hair gets cut shorter it tends to curl tighter. And if not cut correctly get poofy and give you a triangular look. But with the corret stylist than you can have gorgeous curly hair!!!

So show your stylist the pictures and ask her which she thinks will work best for you. If she says none of your pictures will work then ask her if you can look through a book with styles (all salons have them). If she/he says all of them will work then pick your favorite! I hope i helped and wish you the best of luck!! sorry for all the typos!!!! :)

Best wishes and happy holidays!

Answers and Comments for What should I do with my long curly hair?

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Sam Tips
by: Anonymous

Your tips on curly hair care and combing in the shower will stop the tears. Thank you

The dilemma
by: Anonymous

I just went from long curly hair to short curly hair. I've been back and forth a few times, and let me tell you- make sure to get a cut with plenty of movement!!! I really enjoy the length mine is at right now, the longest layer is just grazing the top of my shoulders and my curls have never developed so well. It's a hard choice to go from long to short, but from personal experience, I think that short-curly hair performs better than long.

I'm here to help!! :)
by: Sam

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by: 80s fan

maybe a haircut to the shoulders can frame your face. just take your hair and hold up to which every lenght u want to see if it looks good.

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